I have recently been trying to get fitter for racing and riding in general and so reached out to Becci Skelton. But, who is she and what has she got to offer? Read on to find out more about Becci, how she got into riding and her training programme…

Interview with Becci Skelton

So, we’ve got to start somewhere. You have a huge following on Instagram, but for those who don’t know you, who is Becci Skelton?

I’m just a normal dog bothering lass raised in the flat lands of Lincolnshire, (now in Wales), that somehow got into mountain biking at the grand age of 28 and is now the current Elite British Series Champion.

Any dog bothering lass is normal in my eyes! But you were raised in the flat lands?! How an earth did you start riding downhill? What triggered you to start riding and what made you fall in love with it?

I’ve always been very sporty and outdoorsy and had the ability to ride a bike from a young age, but I bought my first mountain bike in my late 20’s, basically because my lad mates back home were going on a biking holiday to Dalby forest and I didn’t want to miss out. As soon as I got into riding I loved it, everything about it was awesome. The bikes, the outdoors, the mates, learning new skills and seeing progression; it all just worked.   

I felt the same way, I love where my bike can take me and the friends I’ve met along the way. As for training and personal fitness, what started your passion and career as a Personal Trainer?

As I mentioned, I’ve always been very sporty, so following A-levels, I studied Sports Science at Durham University and went on to do my Personal Training and Sports Massage Therapy qualifications after that. Since then I have gained 15 years experience of working with various different groups and individuals, with my main aim and passion of helping them achieve their goals. I love training someone with a set goal or dream – someone with passion for that goal. I used to train a kid called James who had cerebral Palsy. I think he was 7 when he first came to me and his goal was to walk unassisted. I have never seen anyone with as much drive as he had in him. There would be sessions where he’d break down in tears out of frustration because his body wouldn’t do what he wanted it to, and then sessions where he’d be absolutely stoked because he took a few steps. It’s just awesome to be able to help people get there.

Wow, that sounds so rewarding. What made you go solo and set up Becci Skelton mtb training and how have you found your first few months so far?

So I do still work at my normal gym as well as doing my MTB programming. I’d been thinking of doing it for a long time – bringing my two passions together made sense, so one day I just posted in a girls group on Facebook, just explaining who I was, what I was thinking of doing and would anyone be interested in that type of thing – the response was pretty overwhelming to be honest! There was so much support and encouragement that I couldn’t not do it…and so Becci Skelton MTB Training was born. The first few months have been great, really busy and challenging at times to work full time, do the programming and train and ride myself but we got through it (without a lot of sleep). Obviously now with the Covid 19 situation, I’ve had to alter everyone’s gym programs to home ones, utilising what kit they have and what they can improvise with, so again more challenges but I like that. 🙂

As a client of yours I can testify how brilliant your training programme is and how you’ve helped me. Do you find it as rewarding as your clients do?

Aww thanks man 🙂 Do you know what, I absolutely get so stoked off it – When I get a message saying ‘just hit a PB today’ or ‘I did really well in my race’ or even just a message to say thanks for the personal touches in the programme, or thanks for keeping motivation high/keeping my head straight etc – I’m literally buzzing off it. It’s so cool.

That’s awesome that you get a buzz from helping others to achieve their goals. I’m sure you’ve seen the increase in MTB dedicated training companies popping up, how do you try to stand out?

I think I stand out because of the personal approach and tailored programmes I offer. You are in contact with me from day one. It’s not just a generic programme you buy over the internet.  I chat to you, find out your needs/goals/restrictions etc and design your programme around that, and can make alterations to it if required. I check in on my guys as much as possible, which seems to go down well – makes them know they can ask for help if they’re struggling with anything. 

Yup, I’d agree with that, having you at the other end of a chat is great when things are going great and when they’re not so great, thank you. How are you coping with covid-19 situation? Are you still able to run your business? (I know the answer to this already but thought the readers would want to know!)

Yeah, everything I do is online based, so luckily it hasn’t really changed much for me in that respect. When we all got advised against visiting gyms (before they were closed), I sent a free home programme out to everyone (past and present) on my client list to encourage them to stay at home. When the official lock down came into place, again I messaged everyone with general suggestions/info on how to keep structure in their day and training and changed everyone’s programmes to fit in with what equipment (if any) they had at home, or what they could improvise with.  

That’s great that you can be so adaptable. I see your posting loads of great videos with your Doggo. Are you enjoying having a furry friend to keep you company out on the trails and during this weird time we seem to find ourselves in currently?

Aww I love that little thing, I’m so grateful I have her and that she’s such a lovely dog. She’s an amazing companion on and off the trails with infectious energy and keeps my chin up and head straight if I do start to feel a bit down with it all. I try and teach her (and me) new tricks all the time to keep us both sane in these crazy times 🙂

Dogs are awesome and definitely the best companions on and off the trails. Check out Becci’s Instagram account to see what her and her four legged companion get up to. Thanks Becci for chatting with me. I hope you enjoyed reading our little interview and make sure you check out her training programme if you’re interested in getting the most out of your riding post lockdown, but for now stay safe and thanks for reading.

